Automate orders seamlessly with the MATware secure platform for order acceptance from custody clients. Organize and control the order life-cycle through your team down to funds and their administrators. Deliver and maintain accurate order status, holdings and positions. Control operational risks with a clear roadmap by elevating straight through processing.
Portfolio management with advisors that have a high target alternative investment focus. Efficient handling of order management, price discovery, performance, risk management and reporting with expert solutions for investment in hedge funds, private equity and real estate.
There are a few critical requirements for growing fund platforms. We provide the backbone for fund platforms by providing accurate transactions captured from the investor and connecting to the fund. Validate trade terms and manage investor liquidity (time to cash) evaluating all the optionality offered in hedge fund exit terms and matching fund investors to underlying fund positions.
Capture and communicate on trades electronically from investors. MATware provides shareholder registration or will integrate with your existing registration system
seamlessly in real-time. Deliver enhanced reporting and efficiency to investor transactions and relieve your environment of paper-based investing.
Analyse your investor positions and maintain individual client reporting. Evaluate investor exit terms and their options to redeem to evaluate asset – liability management of your funds.
MATware will support you and your clients in reducing the operational risk of investing in hedge funds and alternative assets, and allow you instead to focus on managing investment risk and servicing your client.
Our software architecture facilitates flexible integration with all parties connected to the alternative transaction and across corporate boundaries.
The system supports the entire life-cycle of the trade and reduces operational risk. It supports unitised and monetised structures natively.
Because the system manages the entire execution and data chain for a trade, you can share data and processes with your clients and service providers.
With our granular data architecture, transactional data ensures sophisticated and accurate analyses unmatched in the industry.
Sophisticated user permissions allow you to securely control how and what data you share, and what features a user may access.
Focus on your unique added value to your clients, instead of diverting resources on a common paper-based process.
The lengthy and complicated process of alternative investments is made easy and manageable through our industry specific workflows and data structures.
The technology is available out of the box hosted by us or installed on your own servers.
Our scalable STP technology supports your growth in an expanding global market.
Phil McCabe, Senior Vice President and Solution Head, SEI’s Investment Manager Services division
All participants in an alternatives transaction can connect into the life cycle of that transaction.
They connect at the point at which each is responsible for the real-world data and process of the contract. The processes are thereby kept within legal and regulatory boundaries.
Yet the data, and processes, may be shared with all authorised participants along the full life cycle of the transaction.
The fragmented infrastructure and paper-based processes in this global asset class mean that your operational risk and overheads remain high and the market contracted. Since 1999 our tradechain™ technology has been designed to manage these specific risks.
4th Floor, Jardine House
35 Reid Street
Hamilton HM12
Telephone: +1 (441) 405-4300